Log in or register

To enter a brevet online you must register on the website first.

We'll send a link for creating an account to the email address you provided. This link will be valid for an hour. Also keep an eye on your spam folder and/or whitelist email coming from *@randonneurs.nl

We'll send a link for resetting your password to the email address you provided. This link will be valid for an hour. Also keep an eye on your spam folder and/or whitelist email coming from *@randonneurs.nl

alternative: use Strava to log in

connect with strava

Randonneurs NL

Randonneurs NL is a cycling club for long distances. Our events (called brevets) are not competitive, but we do set a (generous) time limit for homologation of your ride to qualify for awards. But above all is audax (randonneuring) about enjoying riding your bicycle, with others or solo, and our events are designed for that purpose.

New to randonneuring? Discover on this site what it is all about and join us for a ride!

Past events